Friday, August 31, 2012

Low-Tech Lifesavers: The Knork

Low-Tech Lifesavers: The Knork
The Knork is fast becoming one of the most popular gadgets for those living with disabilities around. If you haven’t heard of it, this is the place to be to find out everything you need to know about the knork and its ever expanding range of easy-to-use cutlery.
As this tweeter puts it, users really do love their knorks:
[blackbirdpie url="!/XLove_you_moreX/status/141887641628049408"]

Exactly what is a Knork?
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knork uk

Low-Tech Lifesavers: Sock Aids

Low-Tech Lifesavers: Sock Aids
There are plenty of extremely simply designed products which can make a significant difference to our daily lives. Maintaining independence is something that everyone deserves and through some basic, low-tech products some tasks which may have been impossible become possible again. One of these tasks is getting your socks on which for some can be a big problem and something they'd previously needed help with, however, with the Sock Aid, help is no longer needed ...

sock aids arthritis

High-Tech Helpers: The Livescribe Smartpen

High-Tech Helpers: The Livescribe Smartpen
At Living with Disability we embrace all the benefits of technology and the way it has made life lots easier for many people. As technology advances, so do the gadgets and gizmos designed specifically to make living with disabilities less difficult and supporting daily indepe...

livescribe smartpen uk

Low-tech Lifesavers: Folding Walking Sticks

Low-tech lifesavers: Folding Walking Sticks
At Living With Disability we hope to show you a huge range of fantastic and potentially life changing product of both low and high tech design. Sometimes even the simplest thing can make a huge difference and like our heading says whether by accident or design, these things ...

walking canes